Grow revenue, win investors
or bootstrap faster

Don't have an uncle who works in Venture Capital?

Friends and family can't lend you £100k?

Don't see yourself represented in who typically gets funded?

You're in the right place.

Everything you need to get started

Turn your idea into a successful product

Self-serve courses

Fundraising Strategy
Create the fundraising plan that works for you and map what type of funding fits your business

Revenue Now
Learn how to win customers before you win investors

Learn more

Growth Pods

It can sometimes feel like you need to spend a huge amount of time and money before you can make your first sale.

Our course will teach you how to identify and convert early customers cost effectively.

Learn more

Special events

From angel investor networking events, to pitch practice expert Ask Me Anything sessions, we've got you covered.

About IfWeRaise


We've brought together some of the UK's leading angel investors, exited founders and coaches who are passionate about fairer access to entrepreneurship.


Find out more


Judy Leung

"They've helped me refine and consider my fundraising approach, offering instrumental insights.

Navigating the complex world of startup financing can be daunting and fraught with pitfalls.

Charlotte Crowther

"I am so grateful for the hours IfWeRaise has saved me, and the peace of mind its given me.I have a new understanding and focus as I bootstrap my startup."

Russell Newell

"I joined IfWeRaise thinking about fundraising but what I learnt is that this is only one piece of the puzzle.

If you get the fundamentals right from a customer perspective, then funding will naturally follow."

What you can expect

Our expert-led coaching programme helps you build your customer base, launch your product faster and cheaper, and meet and convert the right investors.

Plan your product and your fundraise

Easy to watch in your own time, bite size modules, cover the proven best practices

Extra support on tap

Join our Growth pods or purchase discounted 1:1 coaching and deep dive workshops

Build your network

Save time and find the best events, suppliers and investors you need to succeed

Self-serve Courses

£25 per month

Cancel anytime

  • Unlimited access to our course library

  • Support via WhatsApp group

  • Build your network
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Growth Pod Membership

£149 per month

Cancel anytime

  • Fortnightly Zoom sessions
  • Learn from experts and get motivation
  • Build accountability, knowledge and skills
Learn more

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